Video Remote Interpreting

SAI provides video remote interpreting in 300+ languages.

Why Choose SAI’s Video Remote Interpreting?

SAI’s Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) services leverages the latest technology to connect to remote interpreters at the touch of a button. VRI allows limited-English speakers, as well as the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, to feel heard and seen by another person. With additional access to visual cues, VRI provides an interpreting experience that is most similar to On-Site Interpreting when it comes to the accurate delivery of the message.

Video Remote Interpreting is ideal for:

Frequently Asked Questions

With our video interpreting service, you will be provided a link to register using your email and a unique password. Then, you simply connect to, enter you’re your login information and select the language you need from our menu. We offer scheduled and on-demand video calls, connecting you with the appropriate video remote interpreter within 30 seconds.

In addition to the requirements for other interpreters based on their area of specialization, including a combination or experience, specialized training, testing, and/or certification, our remote interpreters must:

  • Demonstrate ability to manage remote communication flow void of some visual cues, such as body language or facial expressions
  • Adequate voice clarity and volume; appropriate tone

Yes, SAI offers video remote interpreting services for top requested languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Video Remote Interpreting Features

Top Languages available 24/7

Connect to a professional interpreter within 30 seconds

Improved customer satisfaction

Comply with laws and regulations

Technical Requirements

Interpreter Request

SAI is committed to fulfilling your company’s language needs. To learn how we can help you with our interpreting services, please fill out our form, submit, or call us at 210-960-4560.

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